Sunday, November 22, 2009

Princeton Area SCORE and Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce Announce Partnership

New Brunswick, NJ, November 19, 2009

The Greater Princeton Area SCORE Chapter is expanding its capacity to provide free and confidential advice and counseling to small business owners and people seeking to start a new business. A newly-formed partnership between SCORE and the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce (MCRCC) is aimed at improving economic development throughout Middlesex County by fostering and sustaining the growth of small businesses in the Middlesex County area. SCORE and the MCRCC will collaborate on seminar and counseling programs designed for the benefit of MCRCC member businesses as well as other businesses throughout Middlesex County. The partnership will result in additional locations for SCORE to conduct its free seminars and counseling sessions.

SCORE currently provides counseling at a number of locations in Mercer and Middlesex counties, including Princeton, New Brunswick, South Brunswick, Hamilton, and East Brunswick. In announcing the partnership with MCRCC, Bill Litchman, SCORE Greater Princeton Chapter Chair & President, observed: “the Princeton Chapter has traditionally been responsible for providing business counseling services to all Middlesex and Mercer County businesses and entrepreneurs. Over the past 15 years we have been recognized as the premier business counseling service to many of these clients. This latest action is part of our continuing effort to expand our services and we are pleased to be able to assist more clients throughout Middlesex County.”

MCRCC Executive Board Chair John Fitzgerald of Magyar Bank is optimistic about the benefits of this new partnership, stating, “The Chamber’s partnership with SCORE will benefit the business community by providing entrepreneurs and small businesses access to knowledgeable and experienced business professionals willing to share their experiences and provide valuable insight in starting or growing a business. We’re pleased to partner with an organization like SCORE that shares the Chamber’s mission of supporting local businesses which play such a vital role in our region’s economy.”

ABOUT SCORE: Greater Princeton Area SCORE, a non-profit, volunteer resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration, has more than forty small business owners and executives who volunteer their time and expertise to help others start a new business or help improve the profitability of existing ones. The chapter was named New Jersey’s “SCORE Chapter of the Year” for three consecutive years (2005-2008). SCORE currently counsels both emerging and existing businesses, with 20% of its clients falling into the existing business category.

ABOUT THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: The MCRCC was established in 1910 to serve as the voice of the business community in Central New Jersey. Today, they represent over 700 member organizations, representing over 50,000 employees. Their mission is to provide opportunities for business growth and prosperity, offer quality service to its members, and serve as a resource leader for businesses and the community.

To set up an appointment for free counseling sessions, call 609-393-0505. For additional information about SCORE and its free seminars, workshops, events, and tutorials, visit

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